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Website search your customers will love

The easiest way to get AI powered search on your website. Answer questions, surface hidden content and analyse customer intent.

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What can it do?

SearchBot is powered by AI. It not only searches your website but actively answers user queries too.

Scrape websites

We take care of gathering your content. SearchBot will regularly check for and index new content so your Bot is always up to date. No action required.

  • Fully managed
  • Always up to date
  • Any public website

Answer customer queries

The vast majority of your users leave your website with their questions unanswered. SearchBot will answer their questions based upon your content.

  • More than just search: answers
  • Easy to deal broad user questions
  • Perfect for customer support, sales, or any other use case where you need to answer questions based upon content

Analyse customer intent

SearchBot analytics tells you exactly what your customers are searching for. SearchBot provides actionable insights to tell you what content you're missing.

  • User intent at your fingertips
  • View user queries and sophisticated analyses (get in touch)
  • Export user data to your CRM or other tools to improve your customer experience (get in touch)
Head and shoulders photograph of Phil Winder Winder.AI

I love how easy it is for my customers to learn about the services I provide, no matter where it is on my website

Phil Winder, Winder.AI

A generated image of a swirling nebula
How is this different to a normal search plugin?

SearchBot is powered by AI. It actively answers user queries based upon content that is buried in your website.

Is this a chatbot?

No! SearchBot augments search results with an answer to the customer query. Links and citations are always provided. Source content is constantly updated.

Does it work on wordpress/static html/JavaScript websites?

Yes! Our one line install makes it easy to install on any website.

Do you have a demo?

Sure! Join the wait list at the top. Or you can watch the demo video below and take a look at our documentation.

Take a look

Not convinced?

We’re always happy to help, but if you’ve got a burning question you need answering, try one of the following channels

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